“10 Things I Hate About You” is a modern adaptation of Shakespeare’s “The Taming of the Shrew” set in a high school setting. This classic teen romantic comedy follows the story of the sharp-tongued Kat Stratford and the rebellious Patrick Verona as they navigate the ups and downs of high school romance. With witty dialogue,...
In this heartwarming animated film, “Trolls Banned Together,” the lovable trolls set aside their differences and come together for a fun-filled family day out at the open-air cinema. Join Poppy, Branch, and their colorful friends as they enjoy a sunny summer day filled with laughter, music, and magic. As they watch their favorite movies under...
*I feel the need…. the need for speed!* Top Gun is a high-flying action film that follows the story of Maverick, a talented but reckless fighter pilot who is selected to attend the prestigious Top Gun Naval Fighter Weapons School. Maverick, along with his best friend Goose, must compete against the best of the best...
Migration is a captivating family-friendly film that follows the journey of a group of animals as they embark on their annual migration. As they face various obstacles and challenges along the way, the animals must rely on each other and their instincts to survive and reach their destination.With its stunning visuals and engaging plot, Migration...
Calling all Barbie fans! Get ready for a fabulous evening at our open-air cinema this summer with the latest Barbie film. Join Barbie and her friends on a whirlwind adventure full of fashion, friendship, and fun! With dazzling animation, catchy tunes, and inspiring messages, this film is sure to delight audiences of all ages.So grab...
Our Before Sundown Films allow children to enjoy the magic of outdoor cinema before it gets dark. Get ready for a fantastical family adventure at our open-air cinema screening of Wonka at Stockwood Discovery Centre.Directed by the visionary behind “Paddington,” this film promises a blend of humour, heart, and plenty of surprises. So grab your...
Our Before Sundown Films allow children to enjoy the magic of outdoor cinema before it gets dark. Come and join us for a fun-filled day of outdoor cinema at our Super Mario Bros movie screening! Gather the whole family and get ready to be transported to the magical world of the Mushroom Kingdom. Don’t miss...